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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning/Nesting: Kitchen

Today, I finished my kitchen almost entirely. The cleaning is completely done!

I spent three days cleaning and organizing the kitchen.

I must admit that I learned what clutter-catching, grease-building, all-around-grungy room the kitchen is.
The grease from cooking and baking gets in the air and turns the dust to grime.
The cabinets make the perfect area for storing all the junk that you want to hide.

So, on Day One, I cleaned out the pantry.
This is the opening to my basement. The clutter there made it extremely hard to carry baskets of wash to the laundry area. It also was so cluttered that trying to get past the mess was dangerous and could have caused some nasty falls.
I tossed all the boxes of cereal that had a half a bowl left in the bag and sat on the shelf for a year. I condensed all the can goods to one shelf.
I placed all my baking goods one shelf.
I tossed all expired foods.
I removed my purses from the hooks.
I threw out all of the junk that sat on the shelves and hooks.
I gathered all of the grocery bags and placed them all on one shelf, out of the way.
Lastly, I hung some hangers on the hooks and hung up my mop.

On Day Two, I did a MAJOR clean.
I cleaned the walls.
I scrubbed the appliances.
I washed the windows (and I don't do windows).
I cleaned and reorganized the plants on my window sills.
I reorganized cabinets.
I washed the walls.
I washed the ceiling fan blades.
I cleared off counters.
I cleaned off and de-cluttered the table.

On Day Three, I finished up the small tasks.
I scrubbed and mopped the floors.
I cleaned the blinds.
I scrubbed the sink.
I finished!

I am so extremely thankful that the kitchen is complete.
I am more thankful to Mike and my Grandma.
Mike (who is still on crutches after some leg surgeries) stood in one place and organized cabinets and washed windows. My Grandma helped on Day Two with most of the other tasks.

The last thing to do in the kitchen is to hang sheer curtains, place tiebacks on the windows, put up a new curtain on the back door and replace the broken blinds. These aren't really cleaning needs, just home decor wants. They don't have to get done right away, but I really want them done at some point.

The next room is the living room! I can't wait!

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