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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AHHH the nesting continues.

So, I have found out the hard way that pregnancy means naps.
In the middle of the day.
Napping means my husband says, "You looked so cute I simply couldn't wake you," when ask why in the world he left me sleep for 5 HOURS!!!
5 hour naps means that bedtime gets pushed back to 12 or 1 or 2 or 3, no matter what I have planned for the next day.

So, here it is, 11:50, and I'm planning what my house will look like by the time Baby Entzminger decides to join us.

I've got a "laundry" list of thing that have to get done around the house.
I even took the time to type it up in a Word document.
It's 2 pages long.

And so, I sit here looking at pictures on the internet of what my house should look like.
And wondering why in the world it doesn't.
And wondering when all of this baby stuff is going to make its way out of my dining room (there is a stock pile started...) and into the nursery.
And wondering if my nursery will ever get done to move said stock pile into it.

And, I sit here planning all kinds of crafts to make my house pretty.
Like a plaque to go above my dining room door.
Or a new decorative table in the dining room.
Or the pictures I need to remember to have printed and buy frames for so I can hang.
Or the new curtain rods I really should buy.

OHHHH....And I'm waiting (rather impatiently) for yard sales to really get going.
I can find lots of neat stuff for really great prices at yard sales.

So, I'm gonna have to keep everyone updated on the turn my house takes as I draw ever closer to my due date. The house better be finished by then. I don't know that I can tolerate it looking the way it does (which isn't bad, if I do say so my self) any longer. If I had the energy and Mike had the walking ability to get started right this second, I probably would.

BUT, it will have to wait...Until maybe tomorrow.

And until then, I'll just sit here, wide awake, and enjoy feeling my baby do the Mamba in my belly.

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