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Monday, October 11, 2010

Money Saving Life Simplified!

I am so excited about this tip!

I have been craving to shampoo the carpets in my house but didn't because of the risk of Kawasaki Disease to my little girl. I don't know if it's the germs in the carpet that cause it or the chemicals in the shampoo, but I was scared.

Anyway, I decided that the germs come up when I vacuum, so they must not be an issue. It's got to be the chemicals. And I didn't want my babe to be playing on the floor on those chemicals.

So, I made my own shampoo detergent. It's really easy. And it smells great. And my carpets and furniture look excellent. And, it's practically free!

Now, just a note about this: My carpets don't look as great as they do with chemicals. It takes 2 times of shampooing to get the same results. But, my furniture looks great!

Here's the Before:

And an ugly stain left most likely by a wet dog:

And here's the After:

And that stain, gone:
What did happen though is that the water dried odd, so I re-rinsed it and it went away.

And a look at what my shampooing handle is pulling up:GROSS!

And the disgusting water:

Here's what I did...
I ran the hot water into a 3 gallon bucket, stopping at the 2 gallon mark. While the water was filling the bucket, I added my dry ingredient. Then, when it was full (at the 2 gallon mark) I added my wet ingredient. I took a plastic spoon from my cooking drawer and gave it a stir. Then I put the water in my shampooer and set it to the water rinse cycle. Since I wasn't adding any chemicals, I didn't need to fill up the reservoir.

So, what's this special, awesome, practically free recipe you ask?

Well, here it is!
  • 2 gallons of hot water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of Dawn dish liquid
I used the Dawn with Lavender scent. You can used scented or original. Just don't use the Dawn with moisturizers.

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